Temple of Light

Barcelona is quite the city, very historic and adventurous. This morning I visited Gaudi’s “Segrada Familia” cathedral which is still under construction. It is an amazing Temple of Light with so much modern stained glass and soaring, airy spaces meant to resemble a forest. As the sunlight progresses through the day, the myriad colors in the stained glass windows waft across the floors, columns and overhead spaces, feeling like a gentle caress of joyful color. 

In the afternoon I joined a walking tour highlighting some archictural buildings of importance in Barcelona. One young man in the group, Andrew, was also on the tour with his friends, all from Scotland, and he offered to heft my backpack during the tour. My shoulders were very happy and grateful.

I traveled to my homestay which is a good 45 minutes out from Barcelona by train. Consol met me at the Sitges train station with her friend Jose. Her house is a pleasant 10 minute walk from the station. She has two cats who love attention, even from a stranger. I learned that Consol loves to perform with a group of friends at senior centers and she sings in a choir. She had some videos on her phone where she was doing an awesome job of lip-synching, dressed to the nines and enjoying it tremendously. Very long day so early to bed.

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